Special Posts
High technologically advanced fiber glass posts for a safe and long-term reconstruction
Bioloren special posts are cementable connections (no screws). The wide range permits the dentist to choose the most suitable model for any clinical case. Ideal for recovering to broken or failed implants, prosthetic anchorage, permanent or long term meso-structures. These anchor posts are used in case of fully or partially damaged tooth crown.

Bioloren patented
is a fiberglass post made of an upper part (abutment side) and a lower
conical part (post side).
Monocore satisfies the needs of a correct reconstruction of devitalized teeth with serious coronal damage.
- Micro-rough surface.
- Available in two sizes: small and large
- The fastest solution for core build-up
- Monocore permits to save cement reducing the number of layers of cement as half of the core build up is already made
- Monocore can be used jointly with another monocore in the molar reconstruction in case of pluri-roots.
Adapt Post
is a fiberglass post made of an upper part (abutment side) and a lower conical part (post side).
The upper part is easily reshaped with a diamond bur for a quick reconstruction.
Thanks to its big abutment part Adapt post can be used for an-gled implants too

Fit Post
is a fiberglass post made of an upper part (abutment side) and a lower conical
part (post side).
The upper part is easily reshaped with a diamond bur for a quick reconstruction.
The lower part can be inserted in a root canal or in an implant.
Micro-rough surface. Thanks to its chamfer shape Fit post can be used with the majority of implants.
Post Ball
is a white fiberglass conical Post for reconstruction. Radiopaque.
Micro-rough surface.
It is provided together with a small cap to connect the ball-side.
Post ball can be used during the process of creation dentures and bars on implants
like the ones from Trilor discs or Trilor arch, cutting a post and cement the post ball on
the framework.
Post ball is ideal for anchorage of removable prosthesis. The particular structure of the techno-polymer avoids the ball to become oval. It is compatible with all caps with di-
ameter 1,8 and 2,5 mm

Bioloren patented
is made of two separate parts: a post part and a stump part. It offers very good aesthetic results in case of direct restorations or prosthetic crown. It has a better ca-pacity to absorb forces.
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