AVANT® Perni in fibra

I perni tecnologicamente più avanzati

Più di 16 milioni di perni venduti

La gamma più vasta per tutte le esigenze dell’odontoiatra

Per canali larghi o stretti. Per ricostruzioni sicure e durature.

Vitae, amet amet in maecenas aliquet ipsum. Lobortis bibendum ut massa lorem blandit pellentesque in varius facilisis. Id lectus in nibh sit sem tristique pharetra .
Tincidunt dictum nec sodales nunc viverra massa. Egestas sed id nunc arcu malesuada adipiscing orci id turpis. Convallis mollis vulputate quam egestas.

Modulo di elasticità simile a quello della dentinaAssenza di frattura della radice
Struttura delle fibre longitudinaliFacile rimozione del perno dal
Assenza di corrosione ed ossidazioneStabilità e biocompatibilità
Eccezionali proprietà fisico-meccanicheAssenza di fratture del perno
Forma cilindrica, conica, con ritenzioniDistribuzione uniforme delle forze ed assenza di traumi parandontali
Compatibilità chimica tra perno, cemento, dentina e monconeCreazione del monoblocco dente-perno-restauro
Facile da usare ed economicoUna sola seduta

Proprietà meccaniche

Modulo di elasticità 0° 0°54 GPa
Resistenza alla flessione   1400 MPa
Resistenza alla compressione360 MPa

Manuale completo per le ricostruzioni endodontiche con i perni in fibra

Dr. Angelo ITRI – Genova University Italy

Contattaci per riceverne una copia

Fatto con 3 materiali


fibra di vetro bianca

fibra di carbonio

Perni traslucenti

I perni traslucenti in fibra presentano le stesse caratteristiche fisico-meccaniche dei perni in fibra di carbonio e fibra di vetro, ma offrono il vantaggio di favorire la cementazione nel canale radicolare grazie alla loro caratteristica di trasmettere la luce fotopolimerizzatrice in profondità fino all’apice. Inoltre sono ideali per una ricostruzione estetica nei quadranti anteriori

Perni in fibra di vetro

I perni in fibra di vetro bianchi hanno un’alta resistenza a flessione, un’elevata resilienza ed eccellenti caratteristiche adesive al composito per la ricostruzione. Hanno il vantaggio di essere molto estetici e possono essere ritrattati

Perni in fibra di carbonio

I perni in fibra di carbonio presentano un’alta resistenza a flessione, una buona resilienza ed eccellenti caratteristiche adesive al composito per la ricostruzione. L’unico limite è il colore. Possono essere ritrattati.

Perni conici

I perni sono conici nell’area dell’apice, si inseriscono in profondità nel canale e sono molto anatomici

Perni cilindrici

I perni cilindrici fabbricati da Bioloren hanno un diametro da 0,8 a 2,2 mm. Per ogni misura Bioloren fornisce le relative frese calibrate

Cylindrical sizes

white fiber

translucent fiber

Carbon fiber

RX white

0,8 mm box 10 pcs

WP CY 08

TP CY 08

CP CY 08

WP RX 08

1,0 mm box 10 pcs

WP CY 10

TP CY 10

CP CY 10

WP RX 10

1,2 mm box 10 pcs

WP CY 12

TP CY 12

CP CY 12

WP RX 12

1,4 mm box 10 pcs

WP CY 14

TP CY 14

CP CY 14

WP RX 14

1,7 mm box 10 pcs

WP CY 17

TP CY 17

CP CY 17

WP RX 17

Kit 40 posts





Kit 40 posts + 4 reamers





Mechanical properties

Modulus of elasticity at 0°54 GPa
Tensile strength 1400 MPa
Compressive strength360 MPa
Charpy impact strength 300 KJ/m2

Bioloren posts contain the highest fiber density (>73%) that gives a high reliability also with the thinnest sizes.


Translucent fiber posts

Translucent fiber posts show all physical-mechanical characteristics of posts in carbon and white fibers and offer the advantage to favor root canal cementation thanks to the feature to transmit the light of polymerization lamp deep to apex area. Aesthetic characteristics of translucent fibers make translucent posts ideal.

White fiber posts

White posts have a very high flexural strength too, a very good resilience and excellent adhesive characteristics to composite for reconstruction. They have the advantage to be very aesthetic and can be retreated.

Carbon fiber posts

Carbon fiber posts offer very high flexural strength, a good resilience and excellent adhesive characteristics to composite for reconstruction. The sole limit is aesthetic since they are black. They are easy to retreat.


Root canal posts are recognized on the base of their geometrical shapes. The two classic types are: conical and cylindrical posts. Other types of posts produced by Bioloren are oval. Finally Bioloren produces Special Posts too that can be used in endodontics and in implantology.

Cylindrical (parallel) posts

Cylindrical posts produced by Bioloren have a diameter range from 0,8 mm to 2,2 mm. For each diameter Bioloren supplies the relative calibrated reamer. Cylindrical posts offer a very uniform retention along the whole axis of the root canal.

Cylindrical sizesWhite fiberTranslucent fiberCarbon fiberRX white
0,8 mm box 10 pcsWP CY 08TP CY 08CP CY 08WP RX 08
1,0 mm box 10 pcsWP CY 10TP CY 10CP CY 10WP RX 10
1,2 mm box 10 pcsWP CY 12TP CY 12CP CY 12WP RX 12
1,4 mm box 10 pcsWP CY 14TP CY 14CP CY 14WP RX 14
1,7 mm box 10 pcsWP CY 17TP CY 17CP CY 17WP RX 17
Kit 40 posts + 4 reamersWP CY KIT DTP CY KIT DCP CY KIT D WP RX KIT D

RX fiber posts

Fiber posts with a metal wire in the middle high visible at RX without changing the chemical composition of the fiber posts. RX posts are available only in cylindrical shapes.

Cylindrical Reamers

Each size of fiber post has its relative reamer. Our stainless steel reamers are designed for a lateral cut (of root canal) with a profile few microns more than the referred post to allow cementation. Bioloren reamers last more than 30 sterilization cycles without becoming dark or losing the cutting capacity.

The cylindrical reamers are recognized by the number of rings

CodesizeNr of rings
CY DR 08Diam 0,8 mmNo ring
CY DR 10Diam 1,0 mm1 ring
CY DR 12Diam 1,2 mm2 rings
CY DR 14Diam 1,4 mm3 rings
CY DR 17Diam 1,7 mm4 rings

Conical (Tapered) posts

Conical posts are tapered in apex area, penetrate deeper into root canal and so they are more anatomical. Bioloren conical posts have a range from 0,5 mm to 1,4 mm in apex area. In coronal area there is a growing diameter according to the chosen conicity. Bioloren produces posts with conicity at 2%, 2-4% and 4-6%.

Conical posts 2%

Conical 2%White fiberTranslucent fiberCarbon fiberWhite fiber color codeTranslucent fiber color codeTranslucent gripper **
0,8 -1,25 mmWP CO 08TP CO 08CP CO 08WP CLR CO 08TP CLR CO 08TP CO GR 08
1,0- 1,45 mmWP CO 10TP CO 10CP CO 10WP CLR CO 10TP CLR CO 10TP CO GR 10
1,2- 1,65 mmWP CO 12TP CO 12CP CO 12WP CLR CO 12TP CLR CO 12TP CO GR 12
1,4 – 1,85 mmWP CO 14TP CO 14CP CO 14WP CLR CO 14TP CLR CO 14TP CO GR 14

Each refill box contains 10 fiber posts

**Gripper posts are fiberglass translucent conical posts with enhanced gripping functionality.

Conical reamers 2%

Each size of fiber post has its relative reamer. Our stainless steel reamers are designed for a lateral cut (of root canal) with a profile few microns more than the referred post to allow cementation. Bioloren reamers last more than 30 sterilization cycles without becoming dark or losing the cutting capacity.

The conical reamers are recognized by color code

CO DR 2 080,8-1,25 mmWhite
CO DR 2 101,0-1,45 mm Yellow
CO DR 2 121,2-1,65 mmBlue
CO DR 2 141,4 – 1,85 mmblack

Fiber posts conical 2-4 %

Conicity 2-4 %White fiberTranslucent fiber
0,5-1,2 mmWP CO 2-4 12TP CO 2-4 12
0,7 – 1,4 mmWP CO 2-4 14TP CO 2-4 14
0,9-1,6 mmWP CO 2-4 16TP CO 2-4 16
1,1 – 1,8 mmWP CO 2-4 18TP CO 2-4 18
Kit 40 postsWP CO 2-4 KITTP CO 2-4 KIT
Kit 40 posts + 4 reamersWP CO 2-4 KIT DTP CO 2-4 KIT D

Each refill box contains 10 fiber posts

Conical reamers 2-4 %

CO DR 2-4 120,5-1,2 mmWhite
CO DR 2-4 140,7- 1,4 mmYellow
CO DR 2-4 160,9- 1,6 mmBlue
CO DR 2-4 181,1 – 1,8 mmblack

Conical post 4-6 %

sizesWhite fiberTranslucent fiber
0,5 – 1,5 mmWP CO 4-6 15TP CO 4-6 15
0,7 – 1,7 mmWP CO 4-6 17TP CO 4-6 17
0,9 – 1,9 mmWP CO 4-6 19TP CO 4-6 19
1,1 – 2,1 mmWP CO 4-6 21TP CO 4-6 21
Kit 40 postsWP CO 4-6 KITTP CO 4-6 KIT
Kit 40 posts + 4 reamersWP CO 4-6 KIT DTP CO 4-6 KIT D

Each refill box contains 10 fiber posts

Translucent Oval posts

Oval posts are highly anatomic and adapt to different sizes of canal. They can be used in case of canal preparation by ultrasonic instruments

a 0,9- b 1,5TP OV 15
a 0,9- b 1,7TP OV 17
a 0,9- b 1,9TP OV 19

a= short axis b= long axis

Each refill box contains 10 fiber posts

For cementation of all Bioloren fiber posts we recommend URC Universal Resin Cement by Bioloren and Ad+mono adhesive system.

Special Posts

Special fiber posts are cementable connections (no screws). The wide range permits the dentist to choose the most suitable model for any clinical case. Ideal for recovering to broken or failed implants, prosthetic anchorage, permanent and long term meso-structures. These anchor posts are used in case of fully or partially damaged tooth-crown. Depending on post model the method allows to use metal-ceramic crown or immediate building of composite crown directly by dentist bypassing the laboratory.

The list of special posts contains:

  • monocore
  • adapt post
  • fit post
  • post ball
  • bicore


Monocore is a fiberglass post made on an upper part (abutment) and a lower conical part (post). The upper part is easily reshaped with a diamond drill for a quick reconstruction. The lower part can be inserted in the root canal or in an implant. Monocore is the fastest solution for core build-up. Monocore permits to save cement since half of the core build-up is already made. Besides endodontics, Monocore can be used in implantology too in case of failed implants as a cemented abutment. Available in two sizes: small and large

Monocore S3 small monocore
Monocore L3 large monocore
Monocore Start Kit3 small monocore + 3 large monocore
Monocore Kit3 small monocore + 3 large monocore + 2 reamers

Monocore small: conical part diam from 0,7 to 1,4 mm

Monocore large: conical part from 1,1 to 1,7 mm

Adapt post

Adapt post is a fiberglass made of an upper part (abutment) and a lower conical part (post). Adapt post, is used in implantology in case of failed implants or cementation of abutments. Thanks to its big abutment Adapt post ca be used for angled implants too.

code ADAPT it is sold in a kit of 3 pcs without reamers

Fit Post

Fit post is a fiberglass made of an upper part (abutment) and a lower conical part (post). Thanks to its chamfer shape it can be used with most implants.

code FIT it is sold in a kit of 3 pcs without reamers

Post Ball

Post Ball is ideal for anchoring of removable prosthesis. It is sold together with small caps for connection.

Post ball SRefill 4 small Post BallDiam 1,8 mm
Post Ball LRefill 4 Large Post BallDiam 2,5 mm
Post Ball Kit2 large + 2 small


Biocore is made of two separate parts: a post part and a stump part. Bicore, offers very good aesthetic results in case of direct restorations and prosthetic crowns.

Cod BICORE Each box contains 3 stumps and 3 posts diam 1,4 mm

For cementation of all Bioloren fiber posts we recommend URC Universal Resin Cement by Bioloren and Ad+mono adhesive system.